2021-2022 School Day Start Time Change

Posted on June 21, 2021
Categories: School Updates

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian:

I hope this correspondence finds you and your family well.

As we transition into our summer break, please be advised that there have been some changes in our school schedule. For the upcoming school year, we will continue to be at the Pratt School located at 2200 N. 22nd Street. The start time for the 2021-2022 SY has changed from 8:30am to starting at 9am. The school day will end for students at 3:39pm.

All students will be bused to school unless parents/guardians choose otherwise. You will receive information regarding your child’s bus stop location and pick up time from the office of transportation.  If you are dropping your child off, the earliest a student can be dropped off is 8:30am.

If you have any questions, please contact the main office or send email to Ms. Garrett, the School Climate Manager at sgarrett@philasd.org.

Follow us on social media for updates as well:
Instagram: T.M.PeirceSchool
Facebook: T.M. Peirce Elementary School